Hard Frost Expected to Result in Some Reseeding in Saskatchewan


Full Interview 5:18 Listen

Saskatchewan Agriculture reports, with the exception of crops damaged by frost, crops planted so far this spring appear to be in generally good condition. Saskatchewan Agriculture released it’s weekly crop report for the period from May 16 to May 22 yesterday. Shannon Friesen, a Regional Crop Specialist with Saskatchewan Agriculture, reports, with the exception of crops hit by frost that will have to be reseeded, crops planted so far this spring are in generally good shape.

Clip-Shannon Friesen-Saskatchewan Agriculture:
Up until the last couple of days, where we have seen some very strong winds and some heavy rain, seeding has actually advanced fairly quickly in the province. We do have 60 percent of the provincial crop now in the ground. That is up from 30 percent last week so we were able to essentially double our seeding progress in one week. The five year average is 65 percent and the ten year average is 66 percent so we were right on schedule to where we would normally be at this time of year. Any emerged crops are in fairly good condition overall. Things have been very slow, either due to just getting into the ground or due to lack of moisture. Emergence in the south has been fairly patchy and we could use a good rain.
Most of the province did also receive a hard frost last Thursday morning that has damaged some alfalfa fields, some winter cereal fields and some canola fields as well as some flax and some soybean in the south. We will see some fields being reseeded to canola in the next couple of weeks but, over all, we may have lucked out simply because the majority of the crop had not yet emerged.

Friesen says, as of earlier this week, things were getting a little dry in the south so farmers there are looking for some rain to get the crops going, where as in the North things have been wet since last fall and farmers there are dealing with saturated fields that has hindered seeding.
For Farmscape.Ca, I’m Bruce Cochrane.

       *Farmscape is a presentation of Sask Pork and Manitoba Pork