Source: Canadian Milking Shorthorn Society
At the 2019 Canadian Milking Shorthorn Society Field and AGM on July 27th, Prince Edward Island cow Oceanbrae Pingerly Betty was revealed as Milking Shorthorn Cow of the Year after voting by CMSS members from across the country. Betty is owned by Fred and Matthew Barrett of Oceanbrae Farms in Belmont, PEI.
Betty is a six year old Milking Shorthorn that already has a long list of accomplishments. Classified Excellent 90 points, she was the Grand Champion of the National Milking Shorthorn Show in 2015. Betty completed her best lactation record thus far in 2018, producing almost 11,000 kgs of milk in 305 days and receiving a Superior Production Award. She is now the #3 LPI Cow in Canada after the August 2019 genetic evaluations.
Oceanbrae Pingerly Betty is sired by the Australian sire Treeton Pingerly and is out Oceanbrae Jurist Betty, also bred and owned by the Barrett family. Her maternal brother, Oceanbrae Royal Bentley, has semen available internationally through Semex.
Runner-up for 2019 Cow of the Year was Camflat Inforcer Mary EX-92, bred and owned by the Campsall family of Woodville, Ontario. Mary was Grand Champion at the 2018 National Show in Lindsay, ON and produced just under 10,000 kgs of milk in third lactation.
Fred was on hand at the 2019 Field Day in Schomberg, Ontario to receive this award from CMSS President Don Richardson. Fred notes that “Betty is one of the best all-around, balanced cows that we’ve bred at Oceanbrae, and we are honoured to receive this award based on the votes from our fellow breeders.”