International Dairy Federation welcomes Russia and Kenya to its membership


Source: International Dairy Federation

The International Dairy Federation (IDF), the leading global source of science-based dairy expertise since 1903, has welcomed Russia and Kenya as official members of IDF, raising the overall number of member states within the Federation to 43.

This year the IDF General Assembly was delighted to welcome two new members, Russia and Kenya, into the IDF. Commenting, Dr Judith Bryans President of the IDF said:

“We’re very happy to welcome both Russia and Kenya into the IDF membership. We look forward to working with them on the key issues facing the global dairy sector today. Having these countries at the table alongside our other members is incredibly important adding even more strength to our global voice, knowledge and expertise.”

Dr Bryans added: “In welcoming these two new members into its community, IDF is further demonstrating its valuable and ever-growing reach, ambition and influence within the global dairy sector.”

As members of IDF, Kenya and Russia will benefit from being part of a dynamic network of dairy experts whose aim it is to support and develop the global dairy sector. The activities of IDF members promote policy dialogue, forge links, foster partnerships, build capacities and develop best practice within the dairy sector worldwide. “

With the recent addition of two more countries to IDF, Russia and Kenya, IDF now represents over 75% of the world’s milk supply,” said Caroline Emond, Director General of IDF. “I look forward to collaborating with our new members on important issues and opportunities facing the global sector.”

The IDF National Committee in Russia will be led by Mr Belov Artyom, CEO of Souzmoloko, the Russian National Union of Dairy Processors, and the Kenya National Committee for IDF will be led by Mrs Margaret Kibogy, Managing Director of the Kenya Dairy Board. Commenting on the news, Mrs Kibogy said:

“On behalf of Kenya Dairy Board we are excited to be an associate member of International Dairy Federation. The Kenya dairy industry is a major socio-economic activity benefiting a wide range of stakeholders. Approximately 1.5 small-scale dairy farmers, who produce the bulk of the 5.2 billion litres of milk per annum, derive livelihoods from milk production, and the dairy sector contributes approximately 4% to the national GDP. Through this membership, the country will benefit from the engagement, knowledge sharing through the global platform. We will also play an active role in to discussion in the platform together with other industry players.”

Global dairy expertise since 1903

As of September 2019, IDF has over 1200 experts in 43 countries. The growth of IDF globally indicates countries around the world are becoming more aware of the importance and values of IDF as the leading source of scientific and technical expertise for all stakeholders of the dairy chain.

More information on IDF’s activities and priorities is available on

About IDF

Helping nourish the world with safe and sustainable dairy

The IDF is the leading source of scientific and technical expertise for all stakeholders of the dairy chain. Since 1903, IDF has provided a mechanism for the dairy sector to reach global consensus on how to help feed the world with safe and sustainable dairy products. A recognized international authority in the development of science-based standards for the dairy sector, IDF has an important role to play in ensuring the right policies, standards, practices and regulations are in place to ensure the world’s dairy products are safe and sustainable.