Source: USDA
Report Summary
The forecasts for the herd size and milk per cow in the fourth quarter of 2024 are unchanged; however, the forecasts for the year are adjusted, reflecting 2024 third-quarter data. Consequently, 2024 milk production is forecast at...
The cull cattle and dairy calf markets exhibited varied trends across Quebec and neighboring regions during the week of November 11, 2024. Highlights include declining average prices for cull cattle and steady-to-rising prices in the dairy calf market, reflecting...
Cull Cattle
In the Québec market, cull cattle prices experienced a mix of slight declines and some gains across different regions and cattle types. The average prices for dairy types generally decreased slightly across regions, while beef types saw modest...
Source: USDA
U.S. dairy milk production is expected to decline in 2024 due to lower yields from aging cows, adverse weather, and limited replacements. Imports are projected to increase, while exports will remain relatively stable. Price forecast changes for wholesale...
Source: CIH
Dairy margins were mixed over the first half of October, declining slightly in nearby periods while strengthening slightly further out on the curve. CME Milk futures slumped early in the month but then recovered with deferred Class III...
Source: USDA
Annual milk cost of production estimates vary by State and the size of operation. These estimates are shown below. For national and regional annual milk cost of production estimates, please go to the commodity costs and returns section.
Source: CIH
Dairy margins were steady over the second half of September with rising milk prices and increasing feed costs roughly offsetting one another. USDA’s monthly Milk Production report continued to highlight declining year-over-year output, with 18.8 billion pounds produced...
Source: CoBank news release
The U.S. dairy industry has long relied on monthly milk production data from the USDA to track the trajectory of milk supplies available for processing and to project potential dairy product output. Historically, falling milk production...
Source: USDA
The 2024 forecasts for the average number of milk cows, milk per cow, and total milk production are lowered to 9.335 million (- 5,000) head, 24,200 (-30) pounds, and 225.9 (-0.4) billion pounds, respectively. The downward revisions are...
Source: USDA
The 2024 forecasts for the average number of milk cows, milk per cow, and total milk production are lowered to 9.335 million (- 5,000) head, 24,200 (-30) pounds, and 225.9 (-0.4) billion pounds, respectively. The downward revisions are...