Overview USDA's Economic Research Service (ERS) compiles several measures of the economic well-being of farm households using data from USDA's Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS). The well-being of farm operator households is determined by a combination of farm and off-farm activities....
Source: USDA by Russell Knight, Hannah Taylor, William Hahn, Angel Terán, Mildred Haley, Grace Grossen, Adriana Valcu-Lisman, LaPorchia A. Collins, and Amber K Oerly The Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook for March 2023 analyzes economic impacts of month-to-month changes in USDA’s...
Source: USDA by Russell Knight, Hannah Taylor, William Hahn, Angel Terán, Mildred Haley, Grace Grossen, and Adriana Valcu-Lisman The Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook for November 2023 analyzes economic impacts of month-to-month changes in USDA’s “World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates”...
Source: USDA by Russell Knight, Hannah Taylor, William Hahn, Angel Terán, Mildred Haley, Grace Grossen, Adriana Valcu-Lisman, and Margaret Cornelius The Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook for August 2022 analyzes economic impacts of month-to-month changes in USDA’s World Agricultural Supply and Use Estimates Report on domestic and international markets...
Source: USDA, Economic Research Service, Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook, LDP-M-317, November 17, 2020 From the week ending October 3 to the week ending November 7, most wholesale dairy product prices reported in the USDA National Products Sales Report (NDPSR) increased...
Source: USDA The 2024 forecast for the average number of milk cows is revised upward to 9.350 million head on recent inventory data and improved margins. The forecasts for milk per cow and total milk production are lowered to 24,265...
Source: PennState Extension Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) is an insurance program for U.S. dairy producers who are looking to manage financial risk and minimize the impact of unanticipated declines in milk prices. Locking in a milk price for a future...
Source: USDA Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook No. (LDP-M-326) 29 pp BY RUSSELL KNIGHT, CHRISTOPHER G. DAVIS, WILLIAM HAHN, JERRY CESSNA, ANGEL TERAN, MILDRED HALEY, ADRIANA VALCU-LISMAN, AND GRACE GROSSEN The Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook for August 2021 analyzes economic impacts of month-to-month changes in USDA’s World Agricultural Supply...
Source: USDA Annual milk cost of production estimates vary by State and the size of operation. These estimates are shown below.  For national and regional annual milk cost of production estimates, please go to commodity costs and returns. Milk cost of production...
Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) is a federally subsidized insurance program for dairy producers looking to minimize the impact of unanticipated declines in milk prices. Locking in a milk price for a future quarter can be an effective risk management...