Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs Fact Sheet written by: Brian Lang, Veal Specialist/OMAFRA The success of colostrum feeding to calves is built on four critical components: Timing - How quickly the calf receives colostrum after birth. Quantity - How...
By Kent Leonhardt Leonhardt During the pandemic, folks hunkered down and avoided social settings to stop the spread of the Covid virus. As they avoided their friends and families, they sought out other types of companionship, household pets. Over the...
Source: Journal of Animal Science Abstract Calf management and health are essential for setting up the foundation of a productive cow. The objectives of this study were to estimate the impact of preweaning practices on milk production parameters while accounting for an...
Source: University of Georgia Extension INTRODUCTION Antibiotic therapy continues to play an important role in the control of mastitis in dairy cows. Lactational therapy is effective against Streptococcus agalactiae but less successful against infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus and other causes of mastitis. As a...
Source: OMAFRA Introduction Every dairy producer has cattle that are too fat or too thin for their stage of lactation. Failure to recognize these cows and take action can result in unintentional costs such as disease treatments, reduced milk production and...
Source: University of Alberta, by: Bev Betkowski A probiotic developed at the University of Alberta shows promise in improving the health of dairy calves in the essential first weeks of life. Normally, the young animals’ undeveloped immune systems leave them susceptible...
Source: Oklahoma State University By Dan N. Waldner, John Kirkpatrick, Terry W. Lehenbauer Feeding practices, management styles, health care programs, and facilities vary greatly among dairy operations.  Because of this, the degrees of stress, the patterns of disease resistance, and pathogen...
Source: Manitoba Agriculture Food, and Rural Initiatives The answer is yes! Almost everyone has had experience with cows scouring when placed on pasture or if fed a high protein forage. Of more importance, however, is the effect that high dietary protein...
Oregano essential oil (OEO) was found to help lower milk somatic cell count (SCC) and reduced levels of oxidative stress biomarkers, leading to greater milk production. These findings were from trials carried out at the Federal University in Brazil. A...
Source: Dairy Research and Extension Consortium of Alberta Why is this important? During the transition period, dairy cows experience reduced feed intake, negative energy balance and reduced immune function leading to a high incidence of disease around the time of calving....