
Source: National Farm Animal Care Council Code of Practice for the care and handling of farm animals – Dairy Cattle, Section 3.12 Improved genetics and environmental factors have allowed for a steady increase in milk production per cow. However, increased milk...
Source: WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology Take Home Messages In-vitro produced embryo transfer (IVP-ET) in dairy herds greatly reduces the genetic lag with service sires. The value of this decreased genetic lag may overcome the high cost of IVP-ET. The...
Source: Journal of Dairy Science J. Dubuc, J. Denis-Robichaud, Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire, Université de Montréal, C.P. 5000, Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec, J2S 7C6, Canada ABSTRACT The objectives of this study were to quantify the herd-level prevalence of postpartum diseases in a large number of...
Jocelyn Dubuc,  Faculté de médecine vétérinaire, Université de Montréal, St-Hyacinthe, QC Email: Take Home Messages  The best metric to quantify the overall herd reproductive performance is the pregnancy rate. In Holstein herds, it should be ≥ 25%.  When the...
Source: Lactanet Canada Industry Standards Committee, Lactanet Canada April 20, 2020 Background During the COVID-19 pandemic, routine milk recording services have been significantly disrupted.  Service is provided, but on a strict ‘No Contact’ basis, where most notably, Lactanet staff are not providing...
Source: Lactanet A prominent change with the April 2020 official genetic evaluation release is the annual update of the Pro$ formula. Following the revision of Pro$ in 2019, the first since its introduction in 2015, it was decided to implement...
Source: Holstein Canada Genetic Traits and Colour Codes Gene Name Description Gene and Expression Code BY Brachyspina (causes abortion & stillborn, shortened spinal cord, long legs & abnormal organs) BYC = tested carrier of Brachyspina BYF = tested non-carrier of Brachyspina CVM Complex Vertebral Malformation (causes still-born calves, abortions, and early...
Source: Lactanet Each year, the genetic base used to express genetic evaluations in Canada is updated in conjunction with the first official release.  The definition of each genetic base used is therefore as follows: The table below indicates the amount of...
Source: Lactanet Canada Where the relative emphasis placed on each of the three main components in each breed is presented in the following table along with the multiplicative factors for each component.    
Source: Lactanet In April 2019, Canada’s profit-based selection index, Pro$, was updated to reflect current economic values and consider additional expenses and traits. Pro$ is a tool to maximize genetic response for daughter lifetime profitability and is based on actual...