Source: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Fact Sheet written by: H. House Introduction This fact sheet discusses design features recommended for the construction of milking parlour centres. A properly designed parlour supports increased milk production, cow comfort and cow health. Milking...
Source: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Fact Sheet written by: G.A. Garland - Resources & Planning/OMAFRA Milk Pipeline Recommendations Dairymen planning to install a milk pipeline should consider the following recommendations: Type of Material for Milk Pipeline Glass or stainless steel...
Now that your corn silage has been harvested for 90 days, it is a good time to re-evaluate some of the key characteristics of that silage now that it has had time to ferment. Fermentation is the process that...
Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs This factsheet was written by Harold K. House, P.Eng., Engineer, Dairy and Beef Housing and Equipment, Clinton, OMAFRA (retired). Introduction This Factsheet is written using common units used by ventilation designers and equipment manufacturers for...
Source: Lactanet Producers and consumers around the globe have had an increased interest in A2 milk, mainly for its improved digestibility. But did you know there is another milk casein entering the niche market? Kappa Casein is known to play...
Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs Introduction Milk fever (periparturient paresis) occurs in dairy cattle after calving because of low blood calcium levels as a result of calcium moving into milk. There are about 23 grams of calcium in...
Welcome to the Podcast. This is a fun series interviewing great guests in the North American Dairy Industry. Today’s guest is Lee Nurse a highly regarded Dairy Farmer from Beautiful Prince Edward County Ontario Canada. Lee has been...
 Welcome to the Podcast. Today’s guest is Nicole Stewardson from Stewardson Dairy Inc, Nicole is a passionate Dairy Farmer, Cash Cropper and Chicken Farmer from Beautiful Lambton Shores Ontario.  She is extremely active on Twitter with positive and...
Source: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada The Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, announced today that Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada has mailed letters to all dairy producers that gives them directions on how to access the second payment under...
Source: The Mastitis Network Prior to administering an injection, make sure of the following: Consult a veterinarian about the proper use of medication. When indicated in label directions, administer medication subcutaneously. Restrain the animal properly. Avoid injecting in the rump or...