Source: Canadian Seed Trade Assn news release

The Canadian Seed Trade Association is pleased to announce the launch of its Better Seed, Better Life program at its Semi-Annual Meeting in Calgary, Alberta.

CSTA’s more than 130 members work in over 50 different crop kinds and are proud to be vital contributors to Canada’s economy and to the health and well-being of Canadian consumers. Seed is the start of it all, the entire agriculture and agri-food value chain. Through Better Seed, Better Life, CSTA will engage in dialogue with Canadians on the role of seed as the foundation for the food and drink we enjoy, the clothes we wear and the fuel in our cars.

CSTA’s Better Seed, Better Life program starts today with the launch of our Better Seed, Better Life video and the fact sheet, “Cheers for Cereals”. Our video, developed by Issues Ink, aims to capture the essence of the Canadian seed industry and the role that seed plays in our day-to-day lives.

Our fact sheet is one part of a series of fact sheets to be released over the coming months. The aim is to connect the seeds produced by CSTA members and the crops grown from those seeds to the products used in our everyday life. The fact sheets will be available at

“CSTA believes that having conversations about seed and plant breeding is vital and that is why we have launched our Better Seed, Better Life initiative,” said Dan Wright, CSTA President.

“Seeds are a remarkable package that people often don’t give a lot of thought to and we want Canadians to recognize the role that seed plays in their everyday lives and the incredible things that we can do with them. These seeds carry the innovation that the world’s farmers will need to feed a population that is expected to swell to over 9 billion people by 2050. Over the next year and beyond, CSTA members look forward to the opportunity to engage in important conversations with Canadians on how it all starts with a seed,” said Wright.