What is the best place to mount a circulation fan in a dairy barn?


Source: Vostermans Ventilation

In order to determine this you have to consider several aspects. As every barn is built differently, customization is the key to reach an optimal result. We have included a few guidelines for you below:


  • Provide a refreshing airflow over the cubicles. This is where the cows spent the largest amount of time.  Save at least 1.5 meters of free space on the suction side of the fan for optimal efficiency.
  • Make use of existing trusses to mount 130-centimeter basket fans with a chain or to install smaller basket fans directly.
  • Mount a 130 cm basket fan between double cubicles. The reach of the fan is wide enough to provide both cubicles with a cooling effect.
  • Mount the fans by extension of each other
  • Use spaces that do not need to be ventilated (Such as the area for calves) for the suction side of the fan.


  • Don’t mount fans in places that the cows can reach
  • Don’t hang fans above the feeding racks. In practice, we see that this dries out the food, which can result in cows solely consuming the power food. This can in turn cause ruminal acidification. An additional disadvantage is that the cows are more likely to lay down on the manure grid in the cool air stream, increasing the risk of udder infections.
  • Make sure there are as little obstacles to the air stream as possible for the most effective and efficient use of fans. Take care of subtle obstacles such as feed robots for example.

Other locations in the barn
After seeing positive results near the cubicles, dairy farmers often decide to employ fans in the waiting or milking areas of the barn as well. In these areas, there is often less space for a large fan. We recommend using a smaller basket fan or a horizontal circulation fan with a casing here. The advantage of a fan with a casing is the more directional air stream with which the air speed remains high over a longer distance. This can be favorable when deciding on the ideal place of installation.

Looking for more information? Read the full article in our white paper
Are you looking for more information on this topic? You can find more information in our white paper covering topics such as how many fans you need in your dairy barn, what the ideal tilt angle is and which size will work best for your building.