The A2 Milk Company Launches World’s First Milk Products Certified Regenerative


Source: A Greener World news release

TERREBONNE, OR –Nonprofit certifier A Greener World (AGW) has announced The a2 Milk Company’s Grassfed a2 Milk Whole Milk and Grassfed a2 Milk 2% Reduced Fat Milk are Certified Regenerative by AGW. This innovative certification provides a whole-farm assurance of regeneration and sustainability, measuring benefits for soil, water, air, biodiversity, infrastructure, animal welfare and social responsibility.

As public interest in sustainability continues to increase and broaden in scope, the demand for rigorous, meaningful assurances of responsible farming practices has grown. Building on its successful family of leading labels, A Greener World’s Certified Regenerative program is a whole-farm, plan-based regenerative certification–giving farmers, consumers and buyers confidence in reliability and impact.

Like all a2 Milk products, the company’s new line of Certified Regenerative by AGW milk comes from cows that naturally produce only the A2 protein rather than the combination of A1 and A2 proteins contained in most dairy products. Grassfed a2 Milk Whole Milk and Grassfed a2 Milk 2% Reduced Fat Milk come from cows that are raised outdoors on pasture and range in accordance with Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW standards, the highest animal welfare standards in the U.S. and Canada, for independent farms using sustainable agriculture methods.

Certified Regenerative by AGW ensures farms are meeting initial rigorous sustainability standards, but also continually improving. Recognizing every farm is a unique part of an ecosystem, the core of Certified Regenerative by AGW is a farm-specific, steward-led Regenerative Plan where producers assess risks, set goals and track progress toward their own meaningful milestones with support from qualified experts in agronomy, biodiversity, water quality and other fields. Plans are reviewed, approved and then audited on an ongoing basis by A Greener World, offering farmers and consumers a third-party source of accountability for each farm’s regenerative progress.

The a2 Milk Company says,

“As consumer interest in The a2 Milk Company brand continues to grow, adding a Certified Regenerative by AGW, grassfed version is a natural progression that meets rising demand in this premium segment. Like all a2 Milk products, the company’s new line of Certified Regenerative by AGW milk comes from cows that naturally produce only the A2 protein rather than the combination of A1 and A2 proteins contained in most dairy products. Combining the digestive benefits that some people experience with a2 Milk with the growing popularity of grassfed milk that has positive impacts on our planet provides a compelling new dairy option for health-conscious and environmentally minded consumers that will also help us continue to build our brand.”

AGW Executive Director Emily Moose says,

“We have a tremendous opportunity for positive change through our food choices, and the impacts achieved through Certified Regenerative by AGW are inspiring. Demand for sustainability continues to grow, and while the labeling landscape is constantly evolving, consumers are more savvy in distinguishing between legitimate, verified claims and misleading greenwashing. We are thrilled to partner with The a2 Milk Company in validating their suppliers’ Certified Regenerative by AGW practices–and in doing so, help shoppers find products that taste great, match their values and have a genuine positive impact for people, animals and the planet.”

The a2 Milk Company’s Grassfed Whole and Grassfed 2% Reduced Fat Milk are available at Whole Foods Market and Sprouts nationwide and at other natural food retailers as well as on via Whole Foods delivery/pickup.


A Greener World (AGW) identifies, audits, certifies and promotes practical, sustainable farming systems by supporting farmers and ranchers and informing consumers. AGW’s growing family of trusted certifications includes Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW, Certified Grassfed by AGW, Certified Regenerative by AGW and Certified Non-GMO by AGW. Each program is designed to have positive and measurable impacts on the environment, society and animals, and to encourage truly sustainable farming practices. AGW’s standards and procedures are robust, transparent and achievable.

A nonprofit funded by donations, AGW offers a range of resources to help people make informed food choices, including an Online Directory of certified farms and products and Food Labels Exposed–a definitive guide to food label claims (available in print and online). For more information visit


The a2 Milk Company was founded in 2000 in New Zealand by Dr. Corran McLachlan after scientific research suggested that proteins in milk may affect some people differently. The company entered the U.S. market in 2015, works exclusively with U.S. farms that are Validus certified for animal welfare, and is now one of the fastest growing brands in the premium milk category in the U.S. with distribution in over 29,000 locations. a2 Milk comes from cows that naturally produce only the A2 protein. Published research suggests a2 Milk may help some people avoid stomach discomfort. For more information, visit


Certified Regenerative by A Greener World (AGW) is a comprehensive, plan-based sustainability certification helping producers demonstrate their commitment to the environment and local communities. More than a certification, it serves as a tool for measuring the impacts of management practices. Certified Regenerative farms maximize soil health while mitigating the negative impacts of humans and livestock. This includes the positive management and regeneration of soil, water, air, cropping systems, livestock, biodiversity, wild harvested resources, and people.