Source: Holstein Canada
Holstein Canada, along with the provincial Branches, was once again pleased to send a team of six youth to participate in the 2019 European Young Breeders School (EYBS) in Battice, Belgium. Team Canada was comprised of Lee Morey (Alta.), Brent Sayles (Ont.), Clarissa McCallum (Ont.), Frédéric Fortier (Que.), Francis Blanchette (Que.) and Brooke Boonstopple (N.B.). Pier-Olivier Lehoux of Lehoux Holsteins accompanied the team to provide leadership and guidance throughout the event.
These six participants competed against 150 youth from 15 European countries and, new this year, a team from Australia. Team Canada had a strong showing with several notable individual results, with all members placing in the top 25 overall: Brent Sayles placed 2nd, Brooke Boonstopple placed 8th, Francis Blanchette placed 13th, Clarissa McCallum placed 16th, Frédéric Fortier placed 17th, and Lee Morey placed 25th.
The five-day event included numerous workshops, Judging and Clipping competitions, and Conformation and Showmanship classes. Each team was judged on their participation, teamwork, and how they cared for their animals.
Holstein Canada and the provincial Branches have been collaborating to send a team from Canada every year since 2013. Team members are selected by their provincial Branches and are winners of provincial competitions and/or successful candidates from an interview process held within their respective provinces.
EYBS is a hands-on interactive event that falls under the “Practical Learning Opportunities” pillar of the Holstein Canada Young Leader Program, with some bonus international travel. Young Leaders interested in becoming members of a future EYBS Team Canada are encouraged to contact their provincial Holstein Branch for more information.