Source: Dairy Processors Association of Canada
The use of palm oil derived ingredients as a feed supplement on Canadian dairy farms has come to the attention of the Dairy Processors Association of Canada (DPAC).
DPAC does not have the necessary data to assess the extent to which this type of feed supplement is used on Canadian dairy farms and thus encourages dairy producer organizations to take steps to better understand its use. DPAC will work with dairy producer organizations and consult with experts to understand this situation, address consumers’ concerns, and explore possible policy options.
This discussion has been raised within the context of butter consistency. In speaking to members, DPAC can confirm that the way in which butter is produced in Canada has not changed. Ingredients are the same as they have always been. Butter is a very simple product and has a very short list of acceptable ingredients: cream and salt (for salted butter). These are standardized by regulations in Canada, and require butter to contain at least 80% milk fat.
Dairy processors are committed to providing Canadians with the quality products they expect.