Source: Alberta Milk
1. Only permit essential service providers on your farm (vets, milk truck drivers, feed
delivery, etc.).
• Post signs at every entrance to your farm and barn with your cell phone number instructing your suppliers to call you before entering the barn or moving around the
property, or put an object (e.g. sawhorse) in the middle of your driveway with the sign so
that suppliers cannot miss or ignore it.
• Milk pick and feed drop off can be done without the need for any physical interaction
between you and the hauler. Any required instructions can be provided by phone or
video prior. If you are around when milk is picked up or feed is delivered, stay a
minimum of 2 metres away from the individual.
2. If someone must come on your farm, practice heightened biosecurity protocols:
• Practice safe distancing. Do not shake hands, stay at a distance of 2 metres when
you speak to them.
• Assess them using the following criteria before entry. If anyone answers in the
affirmative to any of these questions, do not allow them on farm.
» Are you feeling ill; do you have any of the symptoms of COVID-19?
» Have you travelled internationally within the past 14 days?
» Have you been in contact with anyone who has travelled internationally within
the past 14 days?
» Have you been in contact with anyone who has exhibited any of the symptoms
of COVID-19?
• If you must, write down the names and dates of any small number of screened
visitors on the farm for traceability purposes.
• For more information on on-farm disease prevention, producers are encouraged to
consult the National Biosecurity Standards and Biosecurity Principles and National
Farm-Level Biosecurity Planning Guide.
3. Reinforce general hygiene practices with your staff and family
• Review Alberta Health Services or the Public Health Agency of Canada guidelines,
such an increased hand washing andcoughing into your elbow.
• If you are feeling unwell, stay away from your herd. If you must, it’s preferred that
you wear gloves and mask and do not sneezeon animals or let them lick you.
• In the barn, pay particular attention to surfaces you and other people are touching:
door handles, taps, hoses, bulk tank openings and valves, milking equipment, etc. Ensure
you clean these areas additionally before and after visits of milk truck drivers,
veterinarians, and other service providers.
• Require staff and farm workers to wear disposable gloves at all times, paying special
attention to hand and glove hygiene when milking cattle or handling milking equipment.
• Reinforce these hygiene measures with your staff and farm workers.
4. Consider updating your business continuity plan
• A document is available on the Members Only page to help guide you through
decisions that may need to be made in the event of an emergency. This includes the
situation whereas you may need to discard large quantities of milk.
5. Stay up to date on information
• Alberta Milk will post information on the Member’s Only page and eail you. Please
utilize your delegate as a resource if you have any questions and don’t hesitate to
contact the offi ce at 1-877-361-1231.