NMC webinar focuses on udder health, bedding management


Source: National Mastitis Council

Sandra Godden leads the webinar presentation

National Mastitis Council’s (NMC) next webinar features “Improving Udder Health through Better Bedding Management.” This free, one-hour educational offering starts at 2 p.m. Central time on Nov. 19.

During the webinar, Sandra Godden, a past NMC president and University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine professor, will discuss years of research her team has conducted regarding bedding management and its influence on udder health. She will share the important differences that exist among commonly used bedding materials, including sand, recycled manure solids and shavings.

According to Godden, bedding is an important source of teat end exposure to environmental mastitis pathogens. Multiple studies have reported that elevated bedding bacteria counts (BBC) are associated with impaired measures of udder health at the quarter level, cow level and herd level. During this webinar, she will discuss important pathogen groups and guidelines for monitoring bedding hygiene. Additionally, she’ll share management strategies and processing techniques associated with reduced BBC in unused (ready-to-use) bedding, with an emphasis on processing techniques and the importance of bedding characteristics, such as dry matter and organic matter levels. Godden will conclude by reviewing recommendations for reducing BBC after fresh bedding has been placed in stalls.

To register for this webinar, go to: http://bit.ly/NMCnov19webinar and follow the prompts. As the webinar approaches, registrants will receive an e-mail with information on how to log in to participate. If you are an NMC member and cannot attend the live program, you may access the webinar at nmconline.org, after Nov. 30.

National Mastitis Council is a professional organization devoted to reducing mastitis and enhancing milk quality. NMC promotes research and provides information to the dairy industry on udder health, milking management, milk quality and milk safety. Founded in 1961, NMC has about 1,000 members in more than 40 countries throughout the world. For more information, go to: www.nmconline.org.