NFACC information update August 2019


Source: National Farm Animal Care Council

Dairy Cattle Code

This Code update marks an important milestone as the first Code developed through NFACC’s process to be again updated under this unique process. A first meeting was held in July and opened with a fun quiz testing participants’ knowledge of the Code development process. The committee also discussed the main themes from the top-of-mind survey (open from March 29 – April 19, 2019). Stay tuned for a synopsis of input!

Both the Code and Scientific Committees agreed to a final list of priority welfare issues for the Scientific Committee’s research report (available here).

The Code Committee also reviewed relevant input from the 2009 public comment period and general insights from proAction® (Dairy Farmers of Canada’s on-farm animal welfare assessment based on the current Code of Practice).

A full summary of the July meeting is available here.