Maizex Seeds Partners with Lallemand Plant Care to Support Farming Communities


Maizex Seeds is joining forces with Lallemand Plant Care, makers of LALFIX PROYIELD LIQIUD Soybean inoculant, to launch the Hometown Roots Family Contest for farmers in Ontario and the Maritimes. Two winning farmers will receive $5,000 each toward the charity or local organization of their choice to help support and better their communities.

“We are proud to be partnering with Lallemand to bring this opportunity to our customers,”
says Stephen Denys, Director of Market and Product Development with Maizex Seeds. “It
is especially important in the rural areas where so many of our customers live to give back
and support the local community.”

To qualify for the draw, taking place in August 2024, a minimum of 100 acres of Maizex
soybeans pre-inoculated with LALFIX PROYIELD LIQIUD Soybean inoculant must be
planted. Any Maizex grower who plants the minimum acres required is automatically
entered into the contest, making it easy and seamless to participate.

“When you combine the leading performance of Maizex soybean varieties with the benefits
of LALFIX PROYIELD LIQUID Soybean inoculant, including outstanding nodulation
and improved uptake in nutrients such as sulfur, our customers win in yield and
performance. This contest will allow two communities to also win with funding toward a
project that benefits everyone in their area.”

More information on the Hometown Roots Family Contest, including official contest rules,
can be found at