Dairy Calf & Heifer Assn Announces Webinar Addressing Dairy x Beef


Source: Dairy Calf & Heifer Association

Dairy Calf and Heifer Association’s (DCHA) Nov. 20 webinar features “Lessons from the feedlot: Feeding dairy x beef.” This free, one-hour educational offering starts at 2 p.m. Central time (Chicago time).

Aimee Hafla, Cargill Animal Nutrition beef innovation and technical lead – North America, will explain why dairy-origin beef animals are more important than ever. They diversify farm income and fill a gap in beef industry demand. How farmers and veterinarians manage dairy-beef crosses through each life stage is important to not only their efficiency but also their health. Learn how to efficiently feed and care for dairy-beef crossbreds.

Born and raised on a commercial cattle ranch in eastern Montana, Hafla has a deep passion for the beef industry. After completing her bachelor’s degree in animal and range sciences and biotechnology and her master’s degree in animal science at Montana State University, she received her PhD from Texas A&M University where she studied the biological mechanisms that contribute to feed efficiency in beef heifers and cows.

Prior to joining Cargill, she spent seven years as a beef cattle nutritionist doing technical support for the sales force at Agri-King Inc. Her diverse agricultural background with work in plant sciences and beef and dairy cattle nutrition serve her well in her role at Cargill. Hafla supports the Cargill beef business through her work on the innovation pipeline and development of new products, solutions and services.

To register for the webinar, go to: https://bit.ly/DCHACargillFeedlot and follow the prompts. As the webinar approaches, you will receive an e-mail with information on how to log in to participate.

DCHA received approval for one Registry of Approved Continuing Education (RACE) for this webinar. Approval gives veterinarians the opportunity to earn one CE credit. Veterinarians must be a DCHA member to earn the RACE credit.

This webinar is sponsored by Cargill Animal Nutrition. DCHA does not support one company or product over another.

If you are a DCHA member and cannot attend the live program, you may access the webinar through DCHA’s online Member Center. This is a new DCHA member benefit. To access the webinar, DCHA members will need to visit https://calfandheifer.org/login and enter their username and password.

About the Dairy Calf & Heifer Association

The Dairy Calf and Heifer Association (www.calfandheifer.org) was founded in 1996 based on the mission to help dairy producers, calf managers and those professionally focused on the growth and management of dairy calves and heifers. With a national membership of producers, allied industries and research leaders, DCHA seeks to provide the industry’s standards for profitability, performance and leadership, serving as a catalyst to help members improve the vitality and viability of their individual efforts and that of their business.