Source: Journal of Dairy Science ABSTRACT Dairy calves in North America traditionally are housed individually and fed by manual milk feeding (MMF) systems with buckets or bottles. Automated milk feeders (AMF) allow for more natural milk feeding frequencies and volumes, and...
Source: Source: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Séboussi, R., Tremblay, G.F., Ouellet, V., Chouinard, P.Y., Chorfi, Y., Bélanger, G., and Charbonneau, É. (2016). "Selenium-fertilized forage as a way to supplement lactating dairy cows.", Journal of Dairy Science (JDS), 99(7), pp. 5358-5369. doi...
Source: Dairy Farmers of Canada Project Overview The Mastitis Network provides innovative science-based solutions that respond to the needs and challenges of dairy producers. All projects share a common goal of developing novel strategies that could reduce dependency on antimicrobials (e.g.,...
Source: University of Manitoba Team: Project Leader: Dr. Denis Krause, Dept. Animal Science Co-Investigators: Kim Ominski (U of M), Kees Plaizier (U of M), Katherine Buckley (AAFC-BRC), Glen Duizer (U of S) Objective: Assess the effectiveness of a biosecure carcass composting system for destroyingMycobacterium...
Source: Wheatsheaf Group news release A study by Synomics, the biological insights business, has identified interactions between an animal's genome and its rumen microbes that could finally reduce the amount of methane that cattle and other ruminant livestock emit into...
Source: Abstract Sole ulcers, a common cause of lameness is the costliest non-infectious foot lesion in dairy cows and one of the most prevalent non-infectious foot lesions in freestall housing systems. Costs associated with sole ulcers are treatment costs, plus...
Source: Ohio State University Extension April F. White, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University Milk Prices In the last issue, the Class III futures for April and May were at $23.29/cwt and $23.50/cwt, respectively. Class III milk...
Source: University of Guelph Proactive approach improves herd health, say researchers By Karli Longthorne Low blood calcium levels after calving are an issue in dairy herds, especially in older cows, from their third lactation on. Some producers take a reactive approach by giving...
Source: UBC Although many dairy farms socially house their milk-fed calves, some calves are still raised individually from birth to weaning. We provide additional evidence that depriving the milk-fed calf of access to social partners early in life can negatively...
Source: University of British Columbia Dairy cattle undergo personality changes during puberty much like humans do, according to new UBC research published this week in the Royal Society Open Science. While cattle’s personality traits are distinct and consistent at a young age...