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Facilities & Equipment

Source: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Fact Sheet written by: H. House Introduction This fact sheet discusses design features recommended for the construction of milking parlour centres. A properly designed parlour supports increased milk production, cow comfort and cow health. Milking...
Source: Ontario Ministry of Food and Rural Affairs Introduction The housing layout or floor plan of a dairy barn is the most important document in the design process. This is where all the free-stall barn components come together to develop a...
Source: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Fact Sheet written by: G.A. Garland - Resources & Planning/OMAFRA Milk Pipeline Recommendations Dairymen planning to install a milk pipeline should consider the following recommendations: Type of Material for Milk Pipeline Glass or stainless steel...
Source: Dairyland Initiative University of Wisconsin-Madison Feedbunks may be most commonly designed either with headlocks (head gates, stanchions etc.), or with a single post and rail system. The choice between a post and rail feed barrier and headlocks in lactating cow pens...
Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs This factsheet was written by Harold K. House, P.Eng., Engineer, Dairy and Beef Housing and Equipment, Clinton, OMAFRA (retired). Introduction This Factsheet is written using common units used by ventilation designers and equipment manufacturers for...
Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs Fact Sheet written by: Harold House Introduction Improving cow comfort is a continuing goal for the dairy producer. Using lots of bedding is one way to improve cow comfort. With this in mind, many...
Source: BC Milk Marketing Board At the request of the BC Milk Marketing Board, the BC Ministry of Agriculture has provided us with the following information on proper plate cooler use & maintenance. Many producers use plate coolers to assist in...
Source: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Fact Sheet written by: Harold K. House - Engineer, Dairy and Beef Housing and Equipment/OMAFRA This Factsheet is written using common units used by ventilation designers and equipment manufacturers for sizing and...
Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs Fact Sheet written by: Steve Clarke - Rural/Environmental Engineer (Provincial Crop Engineering Specialist)/OMAF; Allen Hills - College Senior Instructor (Engineering Research)/University of Guelph; Ben Hawkins - Associate Director (Academics & Engineering Research)/University of Guelph Introduction The...
Source: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Fact Sheet written by: Harold House - Dairy and Beef Housing and Equipment Engineer/OMAFRA Introduction This Factsheet discusses opportunities for increasing milk production by adjusting the lighting in dairy barns. It explains some of...