Source: Alberta Milk proAction®, Morgan Hobin & Mike Slomp
The Alberta Milk proAction® Compliance Policy is essential to enforce the legitimacy of the proAction program. The board adopted the following revisions to the compliance policy to ensure a more streamlined process for producers and staff, effective January 1, 2021.
Three time periods for Corrective Action Requests (CARs)
a. Producers completing a full validation may need to follow up on CARs and have a maximum time period to respond (i.e.: 30, 60 or 90 days).
Revision: Incorporate these three CAR time periods.
2. Twelve (12) month penalty timeline (previously 16 months):
a. Previously, when a producer was out of compliance, the extended timeline overlapped with the next year’s scheduled proAction activity. Revision: The timeline is shortened to a maximum of twelve (12) months (in a 90-day CAR scenario).
3. Clarification of Step 5 in penalty timeline a. Step 5 should not include the provision for cancellation of the producer license.
Revision: The wording of Step 5 is clarified to indicate that only the penalty of “two per cent (%) gross monthly pay” applies.
4. Addition of penalties for Self-Declarations (self-decs) a. The previous compliance policy did not include self-decs.
Revision: Include self-declarations in the compliance policy.
5. Use of penalty dollars a. The previous compliance policy did not specify the use of penalty dollars.
Revision: Specify that proAction penalty dollars be allocated to the annual proAction budget.