Source: Pioneer news release
With feed costs for dairy cows responsible for approximately 50% of milk production costs, dairy farmers are always looking for ways to reduce costs without sacrificing milk yield or quality.
Pioneer brand Plenish high oleic soybeans have been gaining popularity as a new alternative feed ingredient for dairy farmers. Plenish high oleic soybeans offer a
high-energy, high-protein desirable fatty acid profile.
The high oleic and low linoleic content of Plenish high oleic soybeans allows for higher dietary inclusion levels than commodity soybeans. By incorporating Plenish high oleic soybeans into their feeding regimen, dairy farmers can potentially reduce costs and improve profitability while maintaining – and even improving – milk fat content.
“Plenish soybeans are a double benefit,” said Dann Bolinger, Pioneer Dairy Specialist. “On one side, it can reduce feed costs for many farms, and on the other side, has the potential to better a dairy cow’s milk output.”
Corn silage is still the primary forage choice for dairy farmers due to its high tonnage, nutritional qualities and cost effectiveness. However, even though it is low in fat content, it contains a significant amount of linoleic acid. When included in large amounts, corn silage can add to the ruminal polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) load, which has been linked to decreased milk fat percentage.
Research from Penn State and Michigan State land grant universities has shown that feeding extruded or raw processed Plenish high oleic soybeans helps improve milk fat percentage.
As with most agronomic practices, dairy farmers should evaluate the economic return of growing and feeding high oleic soybeans for their own herds.
We can set up a time for you to interview a dairy specialist or agronomist about high oleic soybeans or other topics. Please contact Derek Burleson at derek.burleson@corteva.com.