My Dairy Research Student Competition: Enter for a chance to win $1,500


Dairy Farmers of Canada’s (DFC) My Dairy Research Student Competition is an online competition for all graduate students (M.Sc. and Ph.D.) involved in a research project funded by DFC in a Canadian university.

The objective is to engage students in the creation of innovative content for research users containing their project’s results, new knowledge and the impacts/benefits of their research for the dairy sector and Canadians.

This nationwide online competition will provide opportunities to graduate students:

  • To apply their science communications and knowledge transfer skills in developing content for research user audiences;
  • To receive acknowledgement for their research in an online community of potential future employers in the dairy sector; and,
  • To be part of DFC’s dairy research success stories showcased in multiple online channels.

Graduate students (M.Sc. and Ph.D.) are invited to prepare and submit content, in English or French, describing their dairy research study and results in one of the following categories:

  • Podcast (max. 3 min.)
  • Video (max. 3 min.)
  • Infographic (max. 1 page)

Content must include the following: key study results, methods used, new knowledge and the potential economic, social or environmental impacts of the research on the dairy sector and Canadians.

All entries will be evaluated by a Selection Committee. A minimum score of 75 out of 100 must be met to be eligible for a prize. The three entries with the highest scores in each category will be posted online on Facebook for public viewing and voting.


Grand Prize: $1,500 cash prize, in each category, for the submission that received the most votes from the public.

Second Prize: $800 cash prize, in each category, for the submission that received the second highest number of votes from the public.

Third Prize: $500 cash prize in each category, for the submission that received the third highest number of votes from the public.


  • September 15, 2021 – Deadline for submissions
  • October 15, 2021 – Selection Committee identifies the top three submissions in each category
  • October 22 – November 5, 2021 – Online Public Voting Period
  • November 9, 2021 – Prizes announced