Source: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
The Farm Energy and Agri-Processors (FEAP) Program continues to share costs with producers who are upgrading components of their grain dryers to high-efficiency models. Katherine Rogers, energy extension coordinator with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, clarifies what is eligible for funding through this program.
The program includes sharing costs for components of a new dryer or when retrofitting components of an existing dryer.
“For retro-fit grain dryer components,” says Rogers, “Eligibility is determined on a case-by-case basis. You must include detailed quotes, specifications, and if possible, calculations showing the energy savings of the upgrade.”
Eligible retrofits may include:
- Hopper covers.
- Automatic moisture controllers.
- New high-efficiency burners.
- Variable speed drives (VSD) for electric motors.
- PTO to electric motor conversion.
- Insulated plenums.
- Exhaust air recirculation systems or secondary heat exchangers.
- Gravity-fill roofs that replace powered leveling augers.
As for new grain dryer components, Rogers explains what funding may cover. “Upgrade options on new dryers are considered if they are an optional upgrade from the standard new dryer configuration. Only cost of the options is eligible, not the cost of the standard dryer. The application must include detailed quotes or invoices, specifications or calculations demonstrating energy savings.”
Eligible new components may include upgrade options such as:
- Heat exchangers.
- Preheat systems utilizing exhaust air.
- Optional high-efficiency burners.
- Variable speed drives (VSD) for electric motors.
- Optional automated moisture controllers.
- Gravity-fill roofs used in place of powered leveling augers.
Rogers adds that components considered “business as usual,” are not covered, including bins, conveyors, legs and aeration fans.
The program is retroactive to April 1, 2016, so any upgrades or new construction projects done since that date may be eligible for funding. Go towww.agriculture.alberta.ca/feap to see the full funding list, application form and other eligibility requirements.
Outreach officers are available to answer questions about the program and can provide assistance with the application process:
- Northern Alberta – Amber Kenyon, 780-307-7849.
- Southern Alberta – Vern Steinborn, 403-894-0050.
- Eastern Alberta – Rongrong Xiang, 780-853-0222.
For further information, call the Alberta Ag-Info Centre at 310-FARM (3276).
Katherine Rogers