Family Farm Significantly Reduces Somatic Cell Count


Farm: Henria Holsteins Inc.
Names: Henk, Maria, Gerrit & Reba Pastink
Parlour type: Rotary
Milking points: 50
Herd size: 600
ADF installation date: 01/11/2009
Location: Conn, Ontario

“We’ve had ADF for 14 years now and we really can’t imagine not having it”

Henria Holsteins was one of the first farms in Canada to install the Automatic Dipping & Flushing system. 14 years later the Pastink family are still seeing the health benefits to their herd.

“Our current somatic cell count is 92, but we’ve seen it as low as 52 on a 600 cow herd. And we have very low cases of mastitis,” Maria says.

The ADF System has also helped with labour saving within the milking parlour as Henk explains. “The ADF System has saved us one man per milking because we don’t have to stand there with a teat cup,” he says.

“Sometimes the best equipment you have is when you hardly notice it’s there,” adds Maria. “It was definitely money well spent. ADF has saved us a lot of money over the years. We’ve had it for 14 years now and we really can’t imagine not having it.”

Watch the Pastink family’s full story here