Most people are exposed to about 4,000 advertising messages a day. Complicating matters is their average attention span is around six seconds. This, sadly, is about two seconds lower than that of a goldfish, or about the same period of...
Prices paid in 2024 for dairy products should be similar to 2023, while net returns may be better, according to University of Missouri Extension economist Scott Brown. Brown told attendees at the 2024 Missouri Dairy Expo that average weather and...
No matter how much hard work you put into your operation, dairy farmers are facing new obstacles that can be just as unpredictable as the weather. Inflation continues to rise, interest rates are higher than ever, and operating costs...
As a teenager, one of my farm duties was cultivating the weeds out of the corn and soybeans. I preferred to drive our bigger tractor because it was easier to handle, but the cultivator was mounted on the back...
One of my favorite days of the entire year is the Century and Heritage Farm ceremony that takes place during the Iowa State Fair. During the all-day event in the historic Livestock Pavilion, hundreds of multi-generational farm families, many...
A sharp decline in the number of dairy heifers available to replace older cows exiting the U.S. dairy herd could limit any meaningful growth in domestic milk production over the next few years. The number of dairy replacement heifers...
Source: University of Kentucky I have often made the statement, “the more feed an early lactation cow eats, the more milk she can produce, and the more profit she can potentially make for her owner”. This statement emphasizes the importance...
Artificial intelligence (AI) use is on the rise in agriculture and elsewhere, thanks to generative AI platforms like OpenAI’s ChatGPT. AI is often described as a Black Box, where data is fed into the box and decisions are made,...
IDFA's first-ever State of Women in Dairy report provides IDFA members and dairy industry with data-based metrics and recommendations to support gender equality across the entire supply chain. Women in the U.S. dairy industry are better represented than ever before. We’re...
In the Midwest, we’ve historically had more than enough water for everyone. Agricultural, industrial, and residential uses have all developed more or less peacefully (at least in terms of access to water). This usually meant a laissez-faire approach to...